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vam vogel’ s approximation method
沃格尔近似法  detail>>
vam virtual access method
虚拟存取法  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
approximation method
尝试法 估算法 近似法 近似方法  detail>>
method of approximation
近似法 近似算法  detail>>
长春新碱、阿霉素和丝裂霉素 醋酸乙烯单体 电压电流表,伏安计 华银 万 乙酸乙烯单体  detail>>
博赫尔 福格尔 弗格尔 核心队员沃热尔 沃格尔 沃热尔  detail>>
a crude sketch method approximation
粗略的草图  detail>>
graphical approximation method
图解近似法  detail>>
interpolation or approximation method
内插法或近似法  detail>>
iterative approximation method
迭代近似法  detail>>
kernel approximation method
核近似法  detail>>
many body approximation method
多体近似法  detail>>
method of sccessive approximation
逐次接近法  detail>>
method of successive approximation
逐步近似法 逐步求近法 逐次逼近法 逐次渐近法 逐次近似法  detail>>
piecewise approximation method
逐段逼近法  detail>>
polynomial approximation method
多项式逼近法  detail>>
ray approximation method
射线近似法  detail>>